Thursday, March 3, 2011

Crow hop - Approach phase

                         EXPERT!!!                                                                      NOVICE!!!

When approaching the groundball with runners on base in the outfield you must do so differently than in the infield. So once the ball has been hit the fielder will read the ball to see whether it is hit to the left or right or straight at him, and also to determine how hard the ball has been hit to know if he must charge the ball. This all has to be done within a second or two. Once the fielder has determined all of the above he will go towards the ball, field it on the outside of his lead foot (lead foot should be the same foot that your glove hand is). So for a righty his lead foot would be his left. Your throwing should be coming towards the glove as your going into your next step which is the the crow hop.
                           CUES: WATCH BALL, GLOVE DOWN, BENT FROM THE LEGS

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